Sigune Schnabel, Autorin

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Snow still lies
at the kitchen window,
thoughts bend
like pines.

This winter
we have no faces.
Under woolly hats,
a borderland stretches to the dream;
we follow the flight of the birds.

In the evenings, our gazes are
in another time;
we are almost familiar
in the alien curves of our lips.

At night, the hours stride
on stilts
taller than we
ever were.

Übersetzung: Simon Lèbe
Veröffentlicht in der Anthologie "Poetry New Zealand Yearbook 2019", Massey University Press


I am a tower of glass
that rises from the sand.
The stairs ascend,
rail-less and narrow.

And, always with the tide,
your longing approaches,
breaks, crashes back,
never flowing into me.

Only when the midday sun warms me
do I send the heat
from my glass into the sea.

it leaves you cold,
dissipates in your expanses,
alien sea.

Übersetzung: Simon Lèbe
Veröffentlicht im Faltblatt "Lyrik in Köln" 7/2018


At one time, self-constructed ladders
reached to the sky.
Their word-rungs carried worlds.
Today they end beneath roofs
and I no longer reach
through clouds.
Weighed down by centuries, reason
clings to my legs.

Übersetzung: Joseph Prestwich
Veröffentlicht in "The Transnational" Vol. 4, 2016

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